You bring me higher than I have ever been

You bring me higher than I have ever been,
just to break me down into a thousands pieces ♥

i cant sleep thrue the pain

Det som kommer från hjärtat går till hjärtat ♥


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Im not saying girls are perfeckt, because we all know that's not true.
But why be unfaitful to her when she was true to you ?

what hurts the most?

And when im gone, just carry on, dont mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that im looking down on you smiling ♥

you need to wonder, before you know

sometimes you have to walk away to see who will follow
sometimes you have to whisper to see who will listen.

take the chanse or leave it to someone who needs it more..

Älska dom människor som behandlar dig rätt och
glöm dom som inte gör det och tro på att
allt händer av en anledning

those things you have to chose is your regrets..

good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who work for it. ♥

you will always be the one and only..

I mina ögon var du så vacker, så himla vacker. Det fanns ingen vackrare än dig, jag såg bara dig.
Du var ofelbar, så red. Vad hände? ♥


I be the book you never read, the test you never took
the song you never sang, the kiss you never tasted
and the best you never had ! ♥

i loved you yesterday, and so manny days before

never hate people who are jealous of you, respect their jealousy.

They are people who think that you are better than them.. ! ♥

girl i don't wanna go to bed, mad at you and i don't want you to go to bed, mad at me 
because both of us are mad for nothing. We are fighting for nothing. Crying for nothing.

But we wont let it go for nothing. No not for nothing. but there should be nothing.

to a love like this that what we got.

we all came from a woman , got our name from a woman and our game from a woman I wonder what we take from our women ,why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think it's time to kill for our women ,time to heal our women, be real to our women.

never take a person for granted hold them every person close to your heart
couse you might wake up one day and realise that youve lost a diamond
while you were busy collecting stones

dont worry be happy

if it is meent to be it will be ... ♥



Shit happens..for a reason

its all or nothing, there is nothing between

life is you turn to make a difference

Du är bäst nu men du var bättre förr
Våra brister gör oss till människor !

allt det där, det lär du dig till slut...

i would rather die on my feet

than to live on my knees.

cry as hard as you want to, but just make sure that when you are finished, you never cry for the same reson again


det finns ett ord för lite användt på vår jord

det torkar tårar och lindrar gråt

det lilla ordet är förlåt

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